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Friday 4 September 2009

Chemotherapy - Session 3

It was the afternoon of Saturday, 4th July that Aidan suddenly developed a fever. He had been doing so well after round two of his Chemotherapy and now, just two days before Round 3, the final round, that he suddenly develops a fever. Since the fever was mild Jacob and I decided to observe him first before deciding whether to take him in to the hospital.

Throughout Saturday evening, the fever was very mild. On Sunday, it was initially mild but started becoming high late Sunday night. We did not sleep through the night. We sponged him, gave him fever medicine and prayed that it was nothing serious. After being fretful through most of the night, Aidan settled down and slept toward the early hours of the morning.

It was when Aidan woke up at 6.30am on Monday morning that Jacob and I almost had a heart attack. Aidan's face, especially his tongue and lower lip were swollen so badly. We rushed him to emergency where they immediately put him on drips and started a course of antibiotics.

Aidan's doctor came in later, when we were settled into our room and told us that the swelling was due to infection and therefore what was supposed to be a three day stay at the hospital would now be a six day stay instead. They would have to treat the infection first and only after that start the chemo.

We settled in knowing it was going to be a looooonnnngggg week.

On Wednesday the doctor came in with the good news that the infection had settled and that they could start administering the chemo. However as always, before the chemo is administered, a lumbar puncture had to be done. This was going to be Aidan's fourth Lumbar Puncture.

However, this time Aidan woke up after the procedure and started screaming endlessly for a good two hours. The nurses and I tried in vain to calm him but he just would not settle. They then called the doctor who prescribed a pain killer. All through his screaming I cuddled him close and prayed. It was the only thing I could do. Only about and hour after the pain killer was administered did Aidan settle down and sleep.

I was tired, upset and a jumble of emotions. My God is a good God. He caters to all our needs. It was just then that Audrey, my sister, walked in with her friend, Hock Yun. He told me that he felt that he needed to come to the hospital and so he came over. I don't know him personally except for a fleeting introduction when I had visited Audrey's church sometime ago. Hock Yun is one of many who has been praying for Aidan. He had actually arrived at the hospital earlier and had popped into the room when Aidan was screaming. He saw the situation and said he would come back later. When he did come back, he shared some of his thoughts with me, and then he and my sister prayed for Aidan. I could never put into words the peace that settled after that.

The Chemo ran for three days and the last dose was administered on Friday night. On Saturday, we were all ready to go home. The doctor came in early and signed the discharge form. How wonderful it was to be able to get in the car and head home.

Due to the strain of the hospital stay this time round, Papa and Mummy have taken a while to recover. Jacob came down with a flu and I have not quite gotten back to sleeping well. Thus the delay in the updates.

Aidan's next checkup is on 20th July and the updates of that check-up will be posted soon after.

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