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Friday 4 September 2009

Chemotherapy - Session 2

15th June 2009 was the start of Chemotherapy – Session 2. It was back to the hospital again for a couple of days. Upon admission, Aidan’s doctor came in and told us that he would want to do a lumbar puncture first and before starting the Chemo.
This time the Chemo would run only twice a day for three days. However it would run for three hours each time. Aidan would also have to be on drips for the whole stay.

Can you imagine what a difficult time we had? Aidan had to fast for four hours before the lumbar puncture was done. Poor baby!! No food, no water, nothing. The lumbar puncture was done at 4.45pm and the Chemo finally started at 6pm. Since the first dose of Chemo was only administered at 6pm on Monday, it would mean that the last dose would only be administered on Thursday at 6am. Once again as the Chemo was administered, I prayed that it would not have adverse effects on my little Aidan.

Tuesday, 16th June was a day of great tidings!! The doctor informed us that the Lumbar Puncture showed that Aidan’s Leukemia was in remission and that he would only need one more round of Chemo in July. Praise God!! It was indeed a great joy to hear this good news.
We once again were blessed with a visit by the members of Full Gospel Tabernacle (FGT), Kuala Lumpur. Michael and family once again came to pray for us. Jessy and Alex our dear friends also came to visit and so did Godma.

Wednesday, 17th June was a quiet day. Papa came in after work as usual. Papa and Kakak left for Seremban around 9pm and Aidan and Mummy settled in for the night. It was then that the drama began. The Chemo tube had come off and there was blood all over the place. Mummy almost had a heart attack. The nurses came in and fixed it and helped to get us both cleaned up. Thank God I discovered it quickly. Trust my feisty little fellow to do something like this.

Thursday, 18th June had finally arrived. Yahoo!! Time to go home. Aidan’s last round of Chemo ran till 9am. A blood test was done before we were discharged. His haemoglobin was a little low but the doctor said it was Ok for us to go home. Thank you God for seeing us through another round of Chemotherapy.

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